First Coach Malaysia Bus Reviews
redBus is the world's largest online bus booking platform and is widely used. Bus ratings and reviews are fundamental and must not be neglected. In this article, let us see the importance of ratings and reviews and how to rate or filter reviews of bus operators and how to do it through the redBus website/application for Firstcoach Bus Operator.
What are reviews and ratings?
The reviews and ratings of any particular bus or operator are the feedback of passengers who have used the bus service of that specific bus operator. They give rating points out of '5 stars' to their ride depending upon their experience. Higher rating points will mean a comfortable riding experience. In the review section, they can describe their journey in short, if they have faced any inconveniences, that can be listed out by the passenger. redBus has a separate section for 'Ratings and Reviews' on its website/application for each bus. It helps people in booking a trusted and secure bus for their journey.
How ratings and reviews can be important?
Whenever you are booking a ticket through redBus, you must go through the reviews and ratings to understand the public opinion about that particular bus or bus operator. In the redBus application/website, when you will enter your source, destination & date of journey and proceed, you will see a complete list of buses with their timings on that route. You can click on any bus and under 'More about this bus' section, one can find 'Ratings and Reviews'.
One can get an idea of the satisfaction level of people after travelling on any particular bus. In the 'Ratings and Reviews' section, the average of all the rating points given till now is displayed. The exact percentage of people who have each rating point is displayed on the redBus application. For example, if 70 per cent of people have given '1 star' to any particular bus, then it is not a good bus operator, and the average rating point of that specific bus operator will also be very low. One should maintain a habit of reading these reviews before booking a ticket.
How to leave a rating for Firstcoach Bus Operator on redBus?
Whenever you book a bus ticket through redBus, you are sent a feedback link form the redBus team via mail/SMS on completion of your journey. The feedback link will directly traverse you to the feedback page of your completed journey. One can rate and write a review which is optional about that particular bus. Similarly, when you complete your journey from Firstcoach Buses, you will receive a feedback link and can provide your Firstcoach rating and review buses.
One can see the Firstcoach ratings and reviews on the redBus website/application as aforementioned. One can also sort the ratings and reviews from high to low and vice-versa.
Types of Buses offered
There are only Executive buses which are offered by Firstcoach. They are among the popular bus operators, and you can find the Firstcoach ratings and reviews of buses under the 'Popular Bus Operators' section on the redBus website. The buses of Firstcoach travel to many different and popular cities in Malaysia and Singapore.
Ratings and Reviews help any particular bus operator to be transparent. It also highlights the transparency of redBus, which ensures that passengers should know the public opinion about any operator/bus before booking. Visit the redBus (Malaysia) app or official website today to book your Firstcoach bus ticket!